2002 Letters To Assessors
- 2002/001 Listing of Letters to County Assessors
- 2002/002 Emergency Property Tax Rule 138, Exemption for Aircraft Being Repaired, Overhauled, Modified or Serviced
- 2002/003 Representative Periods for the 2002 Tax Year for the Assessment of Aircraft Operated by Certificated Air Carriers and Scheduled Air Taxi Operators
- 2002/004 State Board of Equalization Notice of Rescheduled Public Hearing Amend Property Tax Rule 21 (Taxable Possessor Interests--Valuation) and Delete Property Tax Rules 23, 24, 25, and 26
- 2002/005 State Board of Equalization Notice of Rescheduled Public Hearing Proposed Property Tax Rules 252-304, Local Assessment Roll Procedure Rules
- 2002/006 Building Cost Indices
- 2002/007 Report on 2001 States - Assessed Appeals
- 2002/008 Notice of Proposed Regulatory Action by the State Board of Equalization, Adoption of Property Tax Rule 138--Exemption For Aircraft Being Repaired, Overhauled, Modified, or Serviced, Public Hearing Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 1:30 P.M.
- 2002/009 Notice of Proposed Regulatory Action by the State Board of Equalization, Adoption of Property Tax Rule 139--Restricted Access As Damage Eligible For Reassessment Relief Pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 170, Public Hearing Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 1:30 P.M.
- 2002/010 Pro-Rata Changes in Ownership of Mobilehome Parks
- 2002/011 Shasta County Survey
- 2002/012 Santa Cruz County Survey
- 2002/013 Revision of Property Tax Rule 462.060
- 2002/014 Statute of Limitations for Supplemental and Escape Assessments
- 2002/015 Assessment Guidelines for Public Retirement System Properties
- 2002/016 - Revenue and Taxation Code Section 69.5 (Propositions 60, 90, 110): Base Year Value Transfer From Property Damaged By Misfortune or Calamity
- 2002/017 Assessors' Handbook Section 501, Basic Appraisal, January 2002
- 2002/018 - Welfare Exemption Income Levels for Homes for the Elderly/Handicapped and Lower Income Housing
- 2002/019 - Revenue and Taxation Code Section 69.5: Two-year Requirement on Purchase of Land for Replacement Dwelling
- 2002/020 - Property Tax Committee Work Plans for 2002
- 2002/021 - Annotated Correspondence on World Wide Web
- 2002/022 - Assessors' Handbook Section 521, Assessment of Agricultural and Open-Space Properties
- 2002/023 - Proposed New Rule 284, Appraiser Certificate Revocation and Revisions to Rules 281, 282, and 283
- 2002/024 - Assessors' Handbook Section 576, Assessment of Vessels
- 2002/025 - Assessors' Handbook Section 577, Assessment of General Aircraft
- 2002/026 - Solano County Assessment Practices Survey
- 2002/027 - Application for Changed Assessment Form BOE-305-AH
- 2002/028 - " Update of Assessors' Handbook Section 504, Assessment of Personal Property and Fixtures
- 2002/029 - Partial Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Farm Equipment and Machinery
- 2002/030 - Cancellation of Project to Develop Assessment Guidelines For Public Retirement System Properties
- 2002/031 - Cancellation of Project to Revise Property Tax Rule 462.060
- 2002/032 - Imperial County Assessment Practices Survey
- 2002/033 - Board Publication 30 Residential Property Assessment Appeals
- 2002/034 - Revision of Assessment Appeals Manual
- 2002/035 - Guidelines for the Assessment of Billboards
- 2002/036 - Assessors' Handbook Section 501, Basic Appraisal
- 2002/037 - California Code of Regulations Title 18. Public Revenues -- Property Tax Rule 139, Restricted Access As Damage Eligible for Reassessment Relief Pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 170
- 2002/038 - Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Hearings
- 2002/039 - Disabled Veterans' Exemption Income Level for 2003
- 2002/040 - Legislative Changes Regarding Property Tax Appeals
- 2002/041 - Final Disposition of Court Cases Involving the Assessment of "Section 515" Low-Income Housing Projects
- 2002/042 - New Assessor, Siskiyou County
- 2002/043 - Property Tax Rule 29, Possessory Interests In Taxable Government-Owned Real Property
- 2002/044 - Property Tax Rule 206, Assessment of Artificial Satellites
- 2002/045 - Property Tax Rule 122.5, Fixtures
- 2002/046 - Siskiyou County Survey
- 2002/047 - Assessors' Handbook Section 267, Welfare, Church, and Religious Exemptions
- 2002/048 - 2003-2004 Board-Prescribed Forms
- 2002/049 - Inyo County Survey
- 2002/050 - Los Angeles County Assessment Practices Survey
- 2002/051 - 2001-02 Salary and Benefit Survey Report
- 2002/052 - Property Tax Rule 138, Exemption for Aircraft Being Repaired, Overhauled, Modified or Serviced
- 2002/053 - Property Tax Rule 305.3, Application for Equalization Under Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 469
- 2002/054 - Property Tax Rule 21, Taxable Possessory Interests - Valuation
- 2002/055 - Tulare County Assessment Practices Survey
- 2002/056 - Listing of State Assessees
- 2002/057 - Reorganization
- 2002/058 - Sierra County Assessment Practices Survey
- 2002/059 - Open-Space Land Interest Component - 2003 Lien Date
- 2002/060 - Historical Properties Interest Component - 2003 Lien Date
- 2002/061 - Property Tax Rules, Local Assessment Roll Procedures
- 2002/062 - Property Tax Rule 138, Exemption for Aircraft Being Repaired, Overhauled, Modified or Serviced
- 2002/063 - Appointment of Chief, Assessment Policy and Standards Division
- 2002/064 - Updates Of State Assessment Manual and Unitary Valuation Method
- 2002/065 - Summons to a Board of Equalization Meeting
- 2002/066 - Property Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Annual Report
- 2002/067 - Property Tax Rule 305.1, Exchange of Information
- 2002/068 - California Code of Regulations, Title 18. Public Revenues, Property Tax. Amend Rule 281-Appraiser Defined, Amend Rule 282-Temporary Certification, Amend Rule 283-Permanent Certification, Adopt Rule 284-Retention and Revocation of Appraiser Certificate
- 2002/069 - Extension of Time to Complete the Local Assessment Roll
- 2002/070 - Value of Timberland
- 2002/071 - Corrected Board-Prescribed Forms for 2003
- 2002/072 - 2003 Property Tax Calendar
- 2002/073 - Assessors' Handbook Section 581, Equipment Index and Percent Good Factors
- 2002/074 - Assessors' Handbook Section 222, Standard Form List
- 2002/075 - No letter for this number
- 2002/076 - No letter for this number
- 2002/077 - San Diego County Supplemental Assessment Practices Survey
- 2002/078 - Guidelines for the Assessment of Billboard Properties
- 2002/079 - Adjustment of 2003 Timber Yield Tax Rate
- 2002/080 - 2003 Calendar for the Valuation of Public Utilities and Railroads
- 2002/081 - No letter for this number
- 2002/082 - No letter for this number
- 2002/083 - A Report on Budgets, Workloads, and Assessment Appeals Activities in California Assessors' Offices, 2000-01
- 2002/084 - Final CCPI Announced for 2003-04
- 2002/085 - Restriction of Information Posted on Internet
- 2002/086 - Summary of 2002 Property Taxes Legislation
- 2002/087 - Agenda For Annual Board Meeting With Assessors
- 2002/088 - San Francisco City and County Assessment Practices Survey
- 2002/089 - Marin County Assessment Practices Survey
- 2002/090 - Exemption for Aircraft of Historical Significance
- 2002/091 - Assessors' Handbook Section 534, Rural Building Costs
- 2002/092 - Assessors' Handbook Section 531, Residential Building Costs
- 2002/093 - Taxable Publicly Owned Lands
- 2002/094 - Property Tax Amend Rule 281. "Appraiser" Defined, Amend Rule 282. Temporary Certification, Amend Rule 283. Permanent Certification, and Adopt Rule 284. Retention & Revocation of Appraiser Certificate